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HeartBeat Support Woking meets on the first Thursday of each month (unless notified otherwise) at the Goldwater lodge, Wishbone Way, Woking GU21 3RT from 7:30pm till 9pm. We have a variety of speakers on a wide range of subjects as well as social events throughout the year .

Admission is £1.00 per member and £2.00 per non-member (includes tea/coffee) and we hold a Fundraising Raffle.
HeartBeat Support Woking is open to anyone who has heart problems, but it is hoped that partners, carers, friends and family will also become involved. We extend a welcome to any member of the public within the Woking community and surrounding areas who has an interest in heart related problems.

HeartBeat Support Woking aims to promote a healthy social environment, with a variety of interests, while offering peer support, as well as medical and health education updates, newsletters and talks to our members.
Our sister organisation, BraveHearts, offers members the opportunity to maintain their physical fitness through various exercise classes held at Woking Leisure Centre. For those who like fresh air, there are also regular walks around Surrey and beyond which members can take part in. For further information contact Suzanne Lawrence.

Meet The Team

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