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BraveheartsHeart Beat Support Woking

The Bravehearts Telegraph

By 07/06/2023June 26th, 2023No Comments

What if…

… I could tell you that there is tablet that not only helped to lower blood pressure but also helped to reduce the risk of diabetes and stroke by 50%?

And suppose that this new medication could help you to build a stronger immunity and therefore maintain good health for longer?  If it could also lower feelings of stress and anxiety, and reduce the likelihood of depression, I think we would all be ‘over the Moon’!!

But the benefits don’t end there; help with weight loss is in there too, as is preventing heart disease and aiding recovery should you already have experienced a heart event.

This amazing concoction might also be useful in helping the smokers (surely not?!!) amongst you to quit the dreaded weed!!  Good news indeed!!

But as always, there is a downside.  This wonder drug takes 30 minutes to unwrap.  Would you be prepared to give up that much of your time?

With all those benefits, my guess is that you would.

You’ve probably realised by now that this ‘perfect pill’ is only a figment of my imagination.

However, gaining all of those benefits in only 30 minutes a day is not – it’s a fact that half an hour of exercise on most days of the week can really offer you nothing but rewards.

And even more good news is that it doesn’t have to involve the gym of a structured class.

Walking or dancing, bowling or gardening are all just as good.  In fact the best form of activity is one that you enjoy.  That way you are far more likely to keep it going.

However, to gain the benefits i’ve mentioned you need to work hard enough to increase you heart rate.  You should feel out of breath but still able to talk.

You should always warm up (start with mild to moderate effort) and at the end cool down (reduce the effort gradually).  Avoid exercise if you are feeing unwell or have a virus.

Suzanne Lawrence
President, HeartBeat Support Woking

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