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Welcome to Heart Beat Support Woking

We hope you will find this site interesting and informative. The titles below will hopefully give you an understanding of the groups activities and the community it serves.

Who we are?

HeartBeat Support Woking is a charity, a non-profit, voluntary support group.

Registered charity No. 1125972

What we do?

The aim is to provide a social environment in which to offer support and encouragement to patients, their partners and relatives with, or who have experienced cardiac problems. We also attend the Cardiac Care Unit at St Peters hospital twice weekly to offer support to patients and relatives while they await for or undergo treatment for their condition.

How is this achieved?

By endorsing the benefits of continued exercise and a healthy lifestyle.

By providing current information and practice in cardiac after-care.

By promoting the group’s activities so as to achieve a greater awareness and understanding of the potential risks of heart disease and the associated conditions.